31.2 Approximator Slug - My New Pesting Choice

9 days ago

Testing the new 31.2 grain Approximator slug’s terminal ballistics in my FX Impact M4 Sniper 700mm 1:24 twist Superior Liner and my FX Maverick with a 1:16 Superior Heavy liner.

These 31.2gr I tested are tried and trued, so I’ve given the green light to start selling them. The kick butt Approximator airgun slugs are are avail here on ebay (if not sold out): https://www.ebay.com/usr/approxim21 ApproximatorSlugs@yahoo.com

If you’re reading this, the 23gr are now available with a 3 day shipping lead time. Great shooting slugs in stock FX Impact

I tested the 31.2 grain in the FX barrels at 840-1,105 fps in both Superior & Superior heavy liners.

- I shoot them a 880 - 1,035 in the Stock FX Superior 1:24 liner
- Generally 1,080-1,100 in the Heavy Liner 1:16, with my personal best groups (for now) at 1,080

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