A Message for the Liberals

4 hours ago

Other Nazi traits include

Antifa....they fly the same flag as the Anti-Faschiste Aktion group did in Hitler's Germany.

Medical experimentation was also a Nazi past-time

Concentration Camps = FEMA Camps

The Nazis were NOT "Far-Right" they were called the Nazi Socialist Workers Party" for a reason.

The Nazis were far-left, that is why they are linked by ideology to the Sin-a-Gog of Satan, because the Nazis were Jew'ish Ashkenazi Khazars, which is why Hitler's father was a Jew'ish Khazarian Rothschild.

Sexual perversion rife in the Nazis, rife in the liberals and the perverted zionists

Pedophilia rife amongst liberals, rife within the Nazis and fellow zionists.

I'm sure you can add more..

Enjoy what comes next...


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