City Of Los Angeles Tears Down A Simpsons-Inspired Treehouse That Was Beloved By A Neighborhood

5 hours ago

Posted • March 12, 2025: I don’t live in California. You couldn’t pay me to move there. It’s because of lunacy like this. A man who is a producer of The Simpsons cartoon built a treehouse inspired by the one Bart Simpson and his friends play in on the show. The real-life treehouse brought the neighborhood together, events were hosted in it, and it was beloved. Then the city of Los Angeles got wind of it and decided it had to come down. Check this out. The latest Los Angeles liberal insanity: Here’s the producer of the Simpsons explaining how a city trying to recover from the biggest disaster in its history has somehow prioritized forcing his iconic tree house, which had been a fixture in the community, to finally be removed. This is the plan. They don't want people to have connections to family or home. They want us always unsettled so they can control you. Has to be divisive. It’s truly insane the things the city of Los Angeles turns a blind eye to, but then chooses to laser-focus on something like this.

What reason is the city giving for all of this? Are they accusing the treehouse of being a fire hazard? 🤷‍♂️ Probably some zoning BS. They’re saying he needs permits and then won’t give him said permits. Nobody holds these assholes accountable though so nothing will come of it. California has some of the most restrictive and non-sensical building codes in the nation. I think the HOA was born here. The city made it impossible for him to meet the requirements needed to save it. I’m always amazed at how out-of-whack priorities are in Democrat-run cities and states. -- “No treehouse, but you can block the sidewalk with a structure and shoot up on heroine in front of children. That’s okay.” — Los Angeles Government. -- Iif the treehouse owner could have convinced the city it was housing drug addicts or illegal aliens the structure would have been spared. But he will keep voting democrat. Most frustrating of all is Democrats destroyed this man’s joy, his neighbors’ delight, and a dream he brought to life, and come election time he and those impacted by this cruel loss will vote for those who caused it to stay in power.

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