Move Over 9/11, There's Something Scarier… Bernie Sanders Explains Why Musk & Trump Have Him Shaking

3 hours ago

Posted • March 12, 2025: Millionaire Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont says this is the scariest moment in his lifetime because Elon Musk runs X and President Donald Trump is exercising his constitutional authority. Move over 9/11, now there’s something scarier! Bernie Sanders, who was alive during the Cuban Missile Crisis & the 9/11 attacks, says Trump & Musk are making this "the scariest time in my lifetime." What a clown. Sanders says it's "objectively true" that this is in fact the scariest time in the past 83 years."These are, you know, the scariest times in my lifetime, that’s all. I think that’s objectively the truth." - "You know, it is not just that they want to give tax breaks to billionaires and cut programs to working people." - "Frankly, that’s happened before, but you combine that with the power of the oligarchy in general. You combine that with Mr. Musk owning Twitter and able to send out his messages to hundreds of millions of people."

Bernie’s shaking with fear in a library. The hyperbole of the left is so annoying. How can anyone trust these snake oil salesmen? Why do they downplay significant historical events so much??? Democrats and Sanders love saying things they don’t like are worse than Hitler or 9/11. Thankfully, more and more people are just rolling their eyes at their dishonest hyperbole. Sanders is enjoying the wealthiest time in his eight decades. He’s rich and living a life of hypocrisy. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Move Over 9/11, There’s Something Scarier - Bernie Sanders Explains Why Musk and Trump Have Him Shaking

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