Why my movie failed

8 days ago

Episode 2. This is the story from the past two years.

LUTs I graded this film with: https://deepsnap.com/products/moody-c...
My Newsletter: https://deepsnap.com/pages/newsletter

Where I get my Music:
Epidemic Sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/d732ta
Music Bed: https://www.musicbed.com/invite/94yCz
Artlist: https://artlist.io/referral/1164430/A...

Camera Gear
Budget Friendly Film Camera - https://geni.us/DeepFX30
Recommended Film Camera- https://geni.us/DeepFX3
My expensive camera- https://geni.us/deepSonyA1
Solid Photo/Video Camera - https://geni.us/DeepA7iv
My favorite pocket vlog camera - https://geni.us/deepVlogCamera
Good Starter Camera - https://geni.us/DeepA6400

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