somebody is always watching (if you believe in God you already know this)

4 hours ago

the side ponytail reminds me of the eighties
thanksgiving day, 1985 i was shot out into this world
i was very lucky to be adopted
having children is a noble act if you do it right
always experiencing some kinda ROMO *reality of missing out
ag getting a passport is about as likely as ag having a baby
plenty of mental ills that shouldn't be in a relationship
why shame people that know they're too crazy to do anything conventional
dog people are way crazier than cat people
half the time dog people don't even take care of their dogs
divorce screws kids all up
everything that you do impacts the world
the one person everywhere not on my phone
if they're not on their phone they might notice
if people thought about how their actions affect others they wouldn't do a majority of what they do
medication. television. constant scrolling
i hope i don't have another muscle spasm
consciousness IS a bitch

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