What did Goldman Sachs say again? 🤭

7 hours ago

Manipulation and Gaslighting at its finest…

“Mayor Muriel Bowser: Well, I think the President doesn't think there should be any homeless person in the nation's capital. I mean, if I'm being, like, perfectly blunt. I think that there is an opportunity, and there has been in all the years I've been there, to work with the federal government, because a lot, unfortunately, of encampments appear on federal park space.”

Signs of zero intelligence: using the word ‘like’ in this context… is fumbling for a productive response and answer.

Also acknowledging the opportunity has been there for years… but then turning to say a lot of the homeless are on federal grounds…

When the whole District of Columbia is a Foreign Territory… 🤡🤭

Got to know these things.

Follow Byron Donald’s posts about how quick the cleanup took place.

This is why D.C. has been a ghost town for the past 4 years.

This didn’t just start.

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