Rick David Online PT - "Pogo Jumps" follow along 1:00 w/detailed description.

7 hours ago

Here's how to Pogo Jumps:
Begin with a hip width athletic stance. Knees slightly bent, hips back slightly and weight on the balls of your feet. Keeping your hands up, jump up and down as if jumping rope but your feet don't actually leave the ground. its as if your weight is bouncing up and down but your body is moving less. The idea is to become efficient at moving and shifting your body weight quickly. Staying compact with your core activated, repeat for 1:00 at a comfortable pace speeding up if it gets too easy and slowing down if it gets too hard but always trying to maintain a relaxed rhythmic tempo.

Remember this:
Perfecting these "Selected Exercises" is the fastest way to greater results. Going through them quickly is the fastest way to less results. If you want them to change your body, giving them the respect that you would give any "person" that promised to do the same thing can only be more rewarding over time.

Consistency in "Exercise Frequency" is one of the post important factors besides "Exercise Selection".

Exercise Frequency:
Three days a week is a minimum recommendation for results but exercising every day is my recommendation. In my experience our body will start to forget what it has learned after a couple of days so reminding it with workouts at least every other day or three days a week with a day of rest is necessary in my opinion. So reminding it before it starts to forget is the way to move ahead of the "learning to forgetting" window of opportunity.

Doing the exercises with the necessary amount of "Exercise Intensity" is what moves you faster once you have your "Exercises Selected" and your "Exercise Frequency" under control.

Exercise Intensity:
I recommend starting with no weight until you can perfect the form with arms straight and back at he same angle as your torso and neck before moving up to the lightest weight possible but still noticeably different. progressing slowly like this encourages good form and allows for your body to adapt in a positive way with each small increase of weight over a longer period of time rather than doing as much as you can ad moving on to another exercise. A good exercise has a lot to offer if used properly and with intention. It is a tool after all, and you are using this tool to create the physical representation of your Soul, aren't you

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