E69 Aliens: Are They Real?

8 hours ago

Are aliens real? Does it matter? As a Christian, why should I care? Did you know that the existence of and encounters with "aliens" were recorded in ancient history? Today we are going to dive into all of this and more as we look at evidence from around the world and answer the question of whether or not there is something "out there." You might be surprised to know that, contrary to popular belief, it is not just fringe groups and country folk who have reported encounters with beings that are not from earth. After today, your thoughts about the subject might just change...

Join us, Pastor Penny Schulz and Kristen Scharrenberg, adventurers through the holy lands and warriors in Christ, as we explore the fascinating, the weird, the difficult, and the obscure while unpacking the Bible. Come and see as we dig into spiritual warfare and the fallen angels, aliens and UFOs, the Nephilim or Rephaim, prophecy, angels, giants and so much more! We promise to bring you joy, hope, inspiration, and intriguing, out-of-the box thinking, and ultimately salvation through Jesus Christ.

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