Dr. Bryan Ardis on POLYSORBATE80 put in all Bioweapon Shots to send toxins thru the BRAIN BARRIER.

5 hours ago

Newborn babies are given VITAMIN K but it is NOT a Vitamin but just a name to deceive new parents (Doctors don't even know). POLYSORBATE80 is one of the ingredients in that so called VITAMIN K shot for new borns. Say "NO" to the vitamin K shot when your baby is born.

Did You Know the VITAMIN K Your Baby Gets Has a Black Box Warning?- April 20, 2021

What’s really in the 2 Vitamin K brands that are given to newborns in U.S. hospitals today?

Most moms think the “Vitamin K” shot is just a vitamin, but it’s a synthetic form of vitamin K1 known as Phytonadione that may cause adverse outcomes including hemolytic anemia and neonatal brain or liver damage.

And in today’s short post you will learn the 3 other dangerous ingredients they carelessly shoot into minutes-old babies.

So you will be fully informed, listen to a former-Merck pharma rep Brandy Vaughn (before she was killed for speaking truth).

Vitamin K (Brand #1) contains 10 mg of polysorbate 80
Studies show it causes premature ovarian failure and infertility. Polysorbate 80 also opens up the blood-brain-barrier (it is used to get drugs into the brain).

For comparison, Gardasil contains 50 mcg polysorbate 80 (this study shows Gardasil can cause infertility).

Vitamin K contains 10 mg (not mcg.) polysorbate 80 injected into a fragile BABY!! (That is a whopping amount!!!!) See image below.

Vitamin K has 200 times more polysorbate 80 than the Gardasil HPV vaccine that is causing so much reproductive havoc and damage in our teens.

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