Map Games 1 2 skip a few: i see you haha nothing you can do snake and tofu

10 hours ago


Notice it's not a ???? anymore. I see you, too bad boo boo, quest completed. you've been defeated. your deals depleted, i've not retreated i've stood strong on my faith and by the will of God may i be the end of this wraith.

My path is straight i won't strayeth though it may be narrow, and i harrow at the scare crow because they know what i won but they don't want the game to be done so they'll make a run at the son while i'm casting the moon, sayonara since we cease soon but by the marooned buffoon at the ripe height of high noon you took your shot too soon and that's to your doom cause i'm in a bad mood and i got the aptitude and the attitude to aim at your altitude. so now you're as screwed as the kids you caught in the nude you thought i was a prude but i don't mind being rude if it's to the crude crew of jewed shrewd i chewed out and chewed through I am the avenue by which i jab at you.

We are opposed around the world by a prophetic and truthless conspiracy

Thank you God for putting me on this path, thank you God for giving me the ability to do the math Thank you God for playing me as an instrument of your wrath, so lord all i can ask is that we rinse the blood out the bath.

Take these tempters to task as i bask in the unmasking cause all i am asking is that people pay attention people pray retention time to put the demons back in detention i am on an ascension but only by the grace of the one they won't mention, Jesus Christ it is my pleasure to introduce you to these youths to present these students your truths. Please Christ provide the proofs and turn the eventide i ride into eye spied out cried though how they tried i knew that they lied take it back to the day that you died and remind those who love to rewind of the one time they don't want to see come again though they cannot avoid it, the one rhyme they don't want to repeat knowing they are all voided.

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