Nicolene Filmalter - ABORTION FACTS: 3. Clarifying Concepts

9 hours ago

The Biblical and scientific foundation have now been laid down.

In the third and crucially important part of this series on Abortion Facts, I will clarify various concepts to expose deceptions and to enable us to gain a better understanding of the abortion issue. With a proper understanding of these, we will not be in a moral dilemma anymore.

*This will include some upsetting information and video’s, so please ensure that your children are not present. Viewer discretion is advised.*

There is a significant difference between abortion on the one hand; and legitimate, therapeutic/medical treatment to save a mother’s life on the other!

Abortion is the deliberate, direct and intentional action of killing the unborn at any stage of embryonic development after fertilization. It is a direct attack on the pre-born baby with the sole intention of killing it. It is murder and murder with the intent carries serious weight in medicine, criminal law and in particular, under God’s Moral Law.

In contrast there is legitimate, essential medical treatment a pregnant mother may choose to save her life. This includes the action of delivering the baby prematurely which may cause the baby’s death; BUT, such therapeutic action is never done with the direct purpose or act of killing the pre-born baby.

We’ll also look at reasons for abortions and talk about difficult subjects such as pregnancy due to rape. A very important point to understand here is that the concept of ‘woman’s health’, as a reason for abortion, is by far, the most obvious and consistent loophole historically and currently used to justify and legalize the killing of babies through abortion on demand. But what does ‘woman’s health’ really entail?

It is quite sobering to hear the truth straight from the horse’s mouth - the mouth of a former abortionist - Dr Anthony Levatino.

Rebecca Kiessling:
Living Waters video:

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Live Action abortion procedures

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American Life League Declaration on Truth and Life:
The Dublin Declaration on Maternal Healthcare (2012):
A conversation with a former abortionist:

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Nicolene Filmalter

#AbortionFacts #ProLife #AbortionDebate #LifeEthics #MoralDilemma #MedicalTreatment #ReproductiveRights #Pregnancy #EthicsInMedicine #TherapeuticAbortion #ChildrensHealth #WomenHealth #UnbornRights #AbortionAwareness

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