MR. NON-PC: A "Strong, Powerful Black Woman" On Welfare!?

11 hours ago

So I know you all have probably heard that lame line uddered somewhere out in the MopeyWorld about a "strong, powerful black woman" but why isn't "on welfare" ever added to that phrase? Because it would shatter the MopeyWorld narrative that's why!

And it's time to be HONEST about what's REALLY been going on, and lay down the counter narrative.

The average working class white has bore the brunt of the mythical "white supremacy" while at the same time having 1/4th of each paycheck subtracted to subsidize the "strong, powerful black women" from the womb to the tomb!!

When does the nightmare ever end? It ends when the majority of people start telling the truth about how the past and current welfare state in the fallen U.S is the national debt!!

You can't be a "powerful" man or woman on welfare....nope....sorry!

It's long past time to ABOLISH WELFARE PERMANENTLY!!!!

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