Preview from Stephens house Part 3 attempting to cleanse house of a bad spirit known as “Dark One”

13 hours ago

You may believe or you may not, I film my interactions and provide proof that there is more out there than we think there is.

Part3 of a Dark spirit inside my friends house, bad energy and overwhelming feeling of dread,
during this session other spirits speak and there is the one that is that calls itself "Dark One"

I say some prayers and release some spirits held without their will and try to push out the bad entity that has touched and even pushed down on my friend.
Many bad things has happened in this block of apartment with deaths and murder/s you can feel it inside the room.
Everything I do and film is genuine.
I have been working on the paranormal for quite a few years now, I became more involved when I personally bitten twice and have proof of the attack, you can see that on my channel.
My cats have reacted with something inside the house.

I capture a lot of incredible captures with voices orbs and have captured a couple of apparitions.
Check out my channel, some videos I give a history on the location.

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