Hymn: His Be the Victors Name

8 hours ago

This traditional Hymn celebrates Jesus' victory over sin, death, and Satan for His church!

In this live recording, I sing and play guitar to the hymn "His Be the Victor's Name," written by Samuel W. Gandy with music by William H. Walter. This Christian hymn celebrates Jesus Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the grave. With lyrics displayed on-screen, it's a great video for those who like the traditional hymns and worship music, and like to focus and consider the words. I do hope this hymn will bless and encourage you!

2 Corinthians 2:14 "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere."


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All the Hymn lyrics are on screen, but if you prefer you can read them here.

His be the “ victor’s name,”
Who fought our fight alone;
Triumphant saints,
No honour claim;
His conquest was His own.

He hell in hell laid low;
Made sin, He sin o’erthrew:
Bow’d to the grave,
Destroy’d it so,
And death, by dying, slew.

What though the accuser roar
Of ills that we have done;
We know them well,
And thousands more;
Jehovah findeth none.

Sin, Satan, Death appear
To harass and appal ;
Yet since the gracious,
Lord is near,
Backward they go, and fall.

We meet them face to face,
Through Jesus’ conquest blest;
March in the triumph,
Of His grace,
Right onward to our rest.

Bless, bless the Conqueror slain;
Slain in His victory!
Who lived, who died,
Who lives again,
For thee, His church, for thee!

Words: Samuel W. Gandy, (1842)
Music: “Festal Song” William H. Walter (1894)

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