Movie: Don't Look Up Is "Live" in 2025. - 2029.

8 hours ago

The Global Elite always give the heads up (Warnings) through all forms of media.

Their fair warnings. We have all been given notice.

The Four Horseman song. Glen Campbell. Lyrics.
Based on the 7 seals.

The 6th seal Revelation 6:12 and 6:13.

When according to Matthew chapter 24. (Same as Revelation chapter 6)

Mark chapter 13. (same as Revelation chapter 6.)

Luke chapter 21. (same as Revelation chapter 6)

Jesus Christ returns in the clouds is seen by all and a remnant of obedient worthy believers are removed, hidden with Christ in heaven for the remainder of the judgments.

The 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials which continue for the remainder of the
Great Tribulation which lasts for a total of 42 Gregorian calendar months.

(1277 days) = 3.5 = Three and a half years, in which the two witnesses
(Elijah (39th book Malachi) and John the Revelator preach 1260 days of the 1277 days of Great Tribulation.

30 Day biblical Calander months = 360 Days in a year. Gregorian = 365 days.

1260 days divided by 21 events of Revelation
= 7 Seals 7 Trumpets 7 Vials = blocks of 60 Days.
Within 61 days for world time zones. Obama born. 8.4.1961.
1260 days divided by 42 months = 30 days per month.

Gregorian calendar 1277 days = 42 Months = Three and a half years.

They "The Elite" want people to know that space weather is coming.
They call it (Climate change) Space weather.

They put it out there to assimilate people to the idea then they mock it, trivialize it, downplay it and all the while the space agencies.

NASA, ESA, B612 Foundation, Asteroid day 30th June, the planetary defense coordination office, (Washington DC) are mitigating against the KNOWN INCOMINGS in their visible actions.

DART 2022 mission. As the big example.

Revelation chapter 8.
Trumpet 1 - 3 Wormwood is all centered around Apophis 99942.

Revelation 1:1 + 216 Verses = Revelation 13:5. (42 Months Great Tribulation) + 4 vs + 8 vs or 8 vs + 4 vs (Total 12 verses) = Revelation 13:18 the last of three mentions in the King James Bible Six Hundred Threescore and Six.

YR4 Asteroid first officially announced.
27th December 2024.

+ 8 Weeks 4 Days = (60 Days) within 61 days for world time zones.
(They beat this story up for exactly this time) 2 months. Hype, speculation, media frenzy, spreading Fear or was it something else?

= Monday February 24th 2025.
NASA officially declares YR4 no threat to earth.

+ 216 Weeks = Apophis 99942. 13th/14th April 2029.
Movie Pi Faith in Chaos 1998.

Tuesday February 25th 2025.
ESA. European Space Agency officially declares YR4 no threat to earth.

+ 408 Weeks (48) = 22nd December 2032 YR4 now they say a Non Threat.

Barack Obama born 4.8.61 the 216th day of the year. 6x6x6 = 216. Rev 13:18.

The Man of Sin, Son of Perdition bringing the Biblical End Of Days.
"Loose Yourself" Eminem song written about Obama.

Budget Direct U tube channel. Car, Home, Asteroid insurance.

4 Ads now selling the truth about the incoming Revelation chapter 8 "Rocks" that are incoming each lasting for a period of 60 Days.

It's all happening.

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