WHY DIDN'T HE BECOME A STUTTERER? Must-see if you believe in the existence of "stuttering disorder"

17 hours ago

This is a story of survival, development, and prosperity for a man who could have become a stutterer but did not. His name is Igor Vinogradov. Today, he is 31 and lives in Russia. Twenty years ago, Igor’s story was broadcast on Russian Television. When he was seven, a Staffordshire terrier, a fighting dog, attacked him, leaving only pieces of meat and bones on the child’s face.

Recently, I came across his interview with a popular Russian blogger. In it, grown-up Igor talked about his tragedy, recovery, and the twists and turns that befell him. Fate hit Igor mercilessly, but the young man did not break.

I contacted Igor inviting him to be a guest on my YouTube channel.

As a former speech therapist and currently a teacher of standard speech for people who stutter, I was incredibly impressed by how beautifully this man with a severely disfigured face spoke.

We talked in Russian. Then, I translated our conversation into English, using my voice for myself and an AI voice for Igor. However, at the beginning of the interview, you will hear Igor speak a couple of sentences in English and German.

Judge his speech mastery for yourself and share this incredibly motivational story with your friends and family.

If you are interested in learning more details about Igor's story, click on the link to the article in the Russian language and use any AI translator to read it: https://carhack.ru/krov-i-slezy-kak-jivet-paren-che-lico-20-let-nazad-obglodal-staff/

If you or someone you love stutters, schedule a free Zoom consultation with me, Anna Deeter, and I will direct you to a stutter-free life in only three days:


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