Kevin Kiner - The Imperial Grand Inquisitor Theme (Star Wars score suite)

13 hours ago

Guess I'll post me edited copyrighted material here until I can ban evade on youtube and post original content for a change, so as not to offend the Super Origami Kingdom into mass reporting me under the false pretense of "HaTe SpEeCh".

But on the bright side,at least I still have my editing skills. So, here is my take on a theme suite for perhaps the best non-legacy non-clone character in the Disney canon of Star Wars, the Grand Inquisitor. Used herein are multiple tracks from Rebels on Disney XD and Tales of the Jedi on Disney+. No matter your stance on which canon/timeline of Star Wars you prefer (I prefer Legends), gotta admit both have great music, eh?

Star Wars is owned by Disney and Lucasfilm.

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