The Book Of Ephesians

1 day ago

Ok so what is about to happen Podcast Preacher? Well I after looking to expound just on Paul’s prayer in Ephesians got wreckatioded by reading, on and on, looking for a place to stop. And but so in that process decided within my spirit that perhaps I couldn’t find a place to stop because I wasn’t supposed to. So I said what Mr. me. Read the whole book of Ephesians without explanation? Yup

So this message is not about teaching by breaking down Ephesians, and well and good because truly it would take an 800 page volume to do so, Oh it’s so rich in everything it says. It just goes from glory to glory in all that Paul is sharing through the Holy Spirit.

This my friends is about listening. Listen to the words, to the sentences, hear in your very spirit what marvelous things are being said. I have heard it said that Ephesians is the book of maturity. But nah, nah, God can show a child deep revelation depending on where they are at with Him to begin with. Now yes, you can mature if you read, seek its knowledge, understand what it is saying through the Holy Spirit, and then do what it says. In just this one book I can’t see how three lifetimes would accomplish it, but I know in faith nothing is impossible for those who believe and then see the manifestation of their belief.

So, I will read the entire book which will make for the riches spiritual meal we have ever had together. Oh and I am also going to remove all of the chapters and verses so that it just reads as Paul wrote it. Think also upon this. Consider that this could easily have been one church service. Yes, getting all that you are about to hear from just a little more than a few pages in just one church service.

Get your notepad ready and get ready to be astounded at what you are about to hear.

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