CLO Late Show - Michael Kwaaitaal - The Journey from a CFO to Psychic


How do you go from working in the upper echelons of the corporations to offering Spiritual Readings from Noosa?
- Born and raised in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 1981 Rubiks Cube Champion age 14.
- First job, turned into a BIG corporate career as CFO in Business Intelligence and Data Cubes.
- Company grew explosively and so did Michael’s career, he worked in 35 countries and got transferred to Sydney in 2002.
- Upon Family priorities - and feeling unfulfilled - quit corporate and moved to Noosa in 2008 taking a 3,5year sabbatical.
- A stint in government lead to a series of personal struggles, which started a process of awakening from being a spiritual sceptic to now delivering psychic readings to help others.
- in 2012, started a project to establish a decentralised direct democracy on incorruptible blockchain technology for humanity to vote on priorities and solutions on a single mobile app.
- Currently working establishing the Post Government Era.

Initiatives I am currently working on: - Spiritual Transformation Agency. Delivering Psychic-CFO readings, supported by Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Grade reverse engineered manifestation strategies. - a startup initiative to fix Australia’s public pool water quality, eradicating the early onset of Asthma in preschool children. - world’s first decentralised direct democracy initiative, establishing the Post-Government Era - liberating humanity from tyranny. - personal site and blog.

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