Bro. Earl Sides, Lessons On Serving God With All Your Heart, Hebrews 11:24-29,

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Bro. Earl Sides, Lessons On Serving God With All Your Heart, Hebrews 11:24-29, Wednesday Evening, 3/12/2025

1.We Must Depend on His Presence And Strength
a. God Often Calls You To Do That Which is Beyond Your Ability's and Resorces
b. The Only Basis for Serving God is His Amazing Grace
c. When God Calls you To Do Something Beyond Your Ability Don't Make Excuses For Why You can't Do it

2. Serving God Means Cutting Family Ties And Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone
b. Serving God Usually Means Encountering Difficulties and Resistance to What You're Called To Do
c. Serving God Often Requires...

3. We Mus Be Obedient to His Commandments

4. We Must Be Willing To Work with People

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