The Psychosis That Killed The Democrat Party

14 days ago

Since Donald Trump’s emergence on the political stage, a Deep State-induced and media-supported force majeure has gripped a significant swath of the American populace, particularly those ensconced in the Progressive and Democratic Socialist camps. "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (Trump Derangement Syndrome) describes an irrational, visceral hatred of President Trump that transcends policy and political disagreements and veers into unhinged obsession, emotional instability, and a rejection of reason itself.

Far from a mere political buzzword, Trump Derangement Syndrome has roots in established psychological principles—groupthink, cognitive dissonance, and tribal identity—and its spread reveals the rot at the core of Progressive ideology. Worse, it poses a direct threat to the United States’ foundational principles of individualism and liberty, corroding discourse and empowering collectivist dogma over personal freedom...


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