DLO Live! Ep.88 NRL Hunter and Leica Geovid Pro


This livestream is intended as an update to the whole NRL Hunter adventure I have ongoing.
As is usually the case, me being a gear junkie, that's what I will be focusing on, but I'll be happy to address whatever comes up.
I also want to spend some time talking about the Leica Geovid Pro AB+ 10x42 I have been using. This binocular has been so boringly excellent, that I do not think I have spent enough time on it. It is worth a discussion and I'll do a separate video on it as well. https://alnk.to/6xLUNuT
Lastly, as time allows, I am going to kick off a large comparison of several riflescopes with the objectives in the 40-44mm range. "Getting into the 40s" is the working title.
I have several here in different sizes and different magnification ranges, but all are FFP and have comparable objective diameter. This will be partly a comparison and partly a discussion of where each one fits the best.

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