Fake Court - Corrupt Government

8 hours ago

What started as very minute became a HUGE deal, even life-threatening for my family and me.
I was having trouble paying my rent after losing my job. After my daughter got sick, I was unable to work onsite because I had to stay home and care for her. I eventually reached out to Ron Wood Family Resource Center for help. Ron Wood was able to assist me with one month's rent in the amount of $840.00 for July. Ron Wood usually assist with more but I later learned that they were informed by our manager/co-owner Joey Jennings, that I was served a 30 Day No Cause Eviction Notice on May 18th, 2022. I spoke with Joey previously and asked him not to mention the 30 Day Notice to vacate as it was no longer in effect. But he offered the information anyway. This resulted in a refusal of rental assistance for the upcoming months per Ron Wood.
The 30-day notice to move was unlawful and came after I refused to pay additional fees that I previously paid. However, even after it expired, Joey still held it over my head. I also contacted a new nonprofit agency for assistance but Joey was not willing to participate. This company only assists tenants who have been served an eviction notice for nonpayment of rent. (This was the case for me.)
Since Covid, Nevada law states that a landlord cannot refuse rental assistance from a rental assistance program. See Nevada laws: https://www.swlaw.com/.../two-new-laws-nevada-residential...
Hold on, this gets Scary!
I was wondering why I was being watched and under surveillance, once the "new owners" stepped in, on December 30th, 2021. People have entered my unit unlawfully (without notice). They have broken into my car and stolen my registration(dents at entry). I witnessed a man coming out of my unit. I wondered, who are these people, and why are they so interested in me? In May, right before I received the 30 Day Notice to vacate, I received a text from Joey stating I owe additional rent. He was preparing to evict me but I was able to locate my receipt. I received the 30 Day Notice shortly after. I believe it was a test to see if I kept my receipts. Here's why: Due to unlawful treatment from these guys, I decided to investigate. Why are they so afraid? Well, the complex where I reside is considered condemned by the State of Nevada. Evidence from the documents, and speaking with Joey, show this place was never legally sold. The documents are fictitious and there is NO business license for The Nugget Inn at 651 N Stewart St #220, Carson City, NV 89701. Now known as "FREEDOM FLATS". The fictitious business license lists a nonexistent address at @595 Humboltd Street, Ste. 200, Las Vegas, NV 89169. This is the same address listed on all the deeds but the city reads Reno instead of Las Vegas. See Business License here:
See Deed And Property Inquiry here:https://carsoncitynv.devnetwedge.com/.../view/00425406/2022
I have to point out that I have exhausted myself trying to work this out with the court and Joey Jennings to no avail. It would seem easier to get up and move but our situation does not allow us this privilege. That is why we sought help. Things have gotten dangerous since we've been going to court. I have been followed and threatened. The court clerks even blocked me from receiving a fair shot at an Appeal hearing with the District Court. They mishandled my documents, filing them separately and on separate dates when I had them together and in order (Maxine Cortes and Jolie Higgins from the District Court, and Martha from the Justice Court). They have ruined several CD audio discs I requested to move forward with my case. This was shocking! Why is it such a big deal? But by the GRACE of GOD, they missed one and I was able to make a decent copy. Their actions only led me to believe they are on board with Freedom Flats, LLC (the Nugget Inn). And ALL other companies operating as a business with questionable documentation(FREEDOM FLATS-A NEVADA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY-651 N STEWART ST, CARSON CITY NV, GENOA FLATS LLC- A NEVADA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY-1010 S CARSON ST, CARSON CITY NV, INDEPENDENCE FLATS LLC-A NEVADA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY-555 N. STEWART ST, CARSON CITY NV, MARLETTE FLATS LLC-A NEVADA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY-1850 N CARSON ST, CARSON CITY NV.)
I am open to being wrong especially because this is UNBELIEVABLE. My purpose for posting this is to protect myself and my family. I do not believe in doing anything out of spite. My hands are clean. I have done all that I can. This sounds weird but at the beginning of this month, I began parking my vehicle in the rear parking lot. They parked an almost identical vehicle in my previous parking spot. This way when people I know drive by and see "my car" they won't question my whereabouts. It's INSANE! They have many plans but ONLY GOD'S WILL PREVAIL!
See video Judge John Tatro
Find the second court hearing here-Judge Joel Locke

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