Empire of the Empty Chalice - Eclipsing Sartoraaus

16 days ago

Stella 1 from the musical saga, by Sartoraaus

Our hero, Magnus, awakens, bedimm’d, calls out from his back,

“Thine eyes of blackest night; I stare up at the sky - Unrecognized, in purple hue; they knew, they knew, they always knew! Expecting gore and finding so much more horror; Drink from the empty chalice! I find myself reviv'd; Drink! Alive? alive! Alive, from the empty chalice!”

He rises to find the golden valley; lush with waterfalls that spill their crystal-clear lakes, below. In her belly, a white tree, tall and grand. The Great White Tree doth brush the sky above the Valley of Malkut. However, ere long, those sweet sounds of the Valley we swallow’d up by snarling hisses of forgotten souls; vomiting their shrieks of pain; rattling the very heavens of She’ol.

Upon mountains’ peak, legions stood; obedient before their Dark General, Sêmîazâz. Headless creatures with hunch’d backs and eyes peering out from their chests; their diseas'd souls would invoke pity if not for fear. In darkness they crawl; fangs that froth’d with a hunger for meat; they even feast on one another, snapping and snarling; they will not relent. The Blemmyes horde howl in unison,

“Our eyes blacken'd, dilated with despair!”
Bow, worship! Betrayers of Titan fury!”

In readied ranks stood Azazel, invoker of doubt, then Bael and his 7 witches, then Moloch, king of the Minotaurs, then Minos, Cottus, Strikers of Fury, Valefor, Valac, the great Ice King of Mount Etna, Amon, the wolf, then came Byleth, rider of the pale horse.

The army’s prize? Magnus knew not, but, understood their path led through him. Magnus utter’d the holy name, Asherah, and Theseus, with 12 Nephilim brethren behind, emerged from a floating portal and encircle Magnus.

Sêmîazâz, rallies his legions by taunting the Nephilim,

“Thy blades; be wise! Hide inside my heart!”

Email Orpheus at sartoraausband@gmail.com

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