Dana Bash Impressed With Rep. Rosa DeLauro's Cringe TikTok Video

11 hours ago

Posted • March 12, 2025: TikTok … the government can't decide if it wants to ban it or use it for political messaging. President Joe Biden dipped his toe in, and now 82-year-old Rep. Rosa DeLauro has made her debut on TikTok. This video isn't nearly as cringe-inducing as Rep. Jasmin Crockett's lip-sync video with two backup dancers making their way to the president's address to Congress, but it's still bad. CNN's Dana Loesch, however, said she enjoyed it. —— CNN’s Dana Bash has Democrat Rose DeLauro on to talk Democrat messaging — gushes over cringe Tik-Tok videos — “Well I enjoyed that." 🤡🌎 We'll agree with Bash that DeLauro's video is "interesting." We're pretty sure it's not going to help Democrats win the "messaging war," however. What's the message here, exactly? This is vomit inducing. Liberals are the most unserious people on the planet. Who in their right mind could think, "Oh yeah, that's who I want representing me." You get what you vote for, and her constituents have been voting for DeLauro since 1990. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Dana Bash Impressed With Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s Cringe TikTok Video

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