Spin The Line

7 hours ago


We run the show, we own your mind,
You’re too slow, you’re too blind.
We pick your vote, we set your king,
You just clap, you don’t think.

Spin the line! Spin the line!
We’re too smart, you’re out of time!
Weather’s ours, your health’s our call,
Love our picks, hate who falls!
Spin the line! Spin the line!
We’re the gods, you’re the swine!

We make the rain, we fake the sun,
You’re too dumb, we’ve already won.
Pills we push, fears we grow,
You just nod, you don’t know.

Spin the line! Spin the line!
We’re too smart, you’re out of time!
Weather’s ours, your health’s our call,
Love our picks, hate who falls!
Spin the line! Spin the line!
We’re the gods, you’re the swine!

We’re up high, you’re down low,
We say yes, you say so.
Screens glow, you obey,
We’re the truth every day!

Spin the line! Spin the line!
We’re too smart, you’re out of time!
Weather’s ours, your health’s our call,
Love our picks, hate who falls!
Spin the line! Spin the line!
We’re the gods, you’re the swine!

Spin it loud, spin it clear,
You’re too stupid, we’re right here!
Spin the line! Spin the line!
Media rules, we spin the line!

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