Astrology for the Soul March 12, 2025

5 hours ago

Like a gardener digging a hole,
In order to plant a tree, 
I must first work and face the hole, 
Before knowing what will ber.

This south node total lunar eclipse, as powerful as it is, is made even more intense by the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, north node stellium happening in Pisces, soon to be revisited by Venus and Mercury. There are a couple of major interpretations to note: first, this eclipse will be followed by a north node solar eclipse on the 29th in Aries! By itself, this indicates this full Moon as a time of reviewing, reflecting, feeling, and releasing the old to prepare for the new cycle beginning in two weeks.

The fact that this is a south node eclipse in Virgo with the solar eclipse coming in Aries puts another layer onto the interpretation. This is not just another "letting go" exercise, this is a DEEP CLEANING. Virgo is a sign of initiation, the last "personal" sign that prepares us for relationship with someone/something outside ourselves. The natural fear is one of losing ourselves to the other. Yet, deep down, our soul knows what we need, and the farther we veer from its truth, the more intense the crisis that can be experienced at this time. Most often it will be health or work, but can manifest in other physical/earth realms too.

The south node transiting Virgo from January of this year through July of 2026 will be bringing up and putting on the table everything that is inhibiting our soul growth. The point is to DIG deep down below the surface of the event/crisis to find the root. These roots lie deep in our emotional (and physical) attachments that are old and strong and form the basis of our identity, security, predictability, and comfort. 

Very often, we simply don't know on an ego level what's best for us, but our unconscious soul does! Someone, a work position, our physical health, our daily habits have provided us with a sense of self, purpose, and security for perhaps a long time, so much so that we thought it/they might be permanent (could even apply to the US government lol). Now the universe is telling us nothing is permanent, that we are constantly growing and changing, and the harder/longer we hold on, the more difficult growth becomes.

So, this week, a beautiful way to celebrate this life change is through a GRATITUDE CEREMONY. Honor and appreciate everything that has gotten you to where you are now. This acknowledgment can/will bring up all the feelings that need to be felt, shared, and released with the past so there are no lingering doubts, suppressed feelings/fears, or subconscious victim/"this is happening to me rather than for me or by me" (my unconscious soul). Taking responsibility for having created this reality (consciously or unconsciously) is humbling and can be full of sorrow, but acknowledging it and calling upon Spirit for help/guidance is the lesson. 

The full Moon is a time of great illumination, and this eclipse multiplies it to the power of 10! The deeper you dive into your body/feelings, the more revelation, illumination, and gold you will find. Digging, analyzing, sorting, weeding, researching, and investigating the deepest recesses of your psyche are favored during this time! Join with other mirrors to your soul, share these feelings and more will come, and you will be enlightened, open, and ready to take the most advantage of the coming solar eclipse as a whole new beginning! 

Dimash captures the feeling of exhaustion spectacularly!  ⁠⁠ 

So Much Love,

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