Occult Theocrasy - Part II - Ch 41 - pg333

8 hours ago

Occult Theocrasy - Part II - Ch 41 - pg333

The video explores the intricate history of Freemasonry in France, detailing its establishment, developments, and conflicts from the early 18th century through the impact of the French Revolution. It highlights the interplay of politics and secret societies, the evolution of Masonic rituals and organizational structures, and key figures and events that shaped French Freemasonry until the late 19th century.

Key Points:

Founding of the Supreme Council
The Supreme Council and the Grand Orient of France were founded in the early 18th century, marking the establishment of Freemasonry in France, which began to adopt political motives influenced by the Jacobites and Jesuits during the English Royal Exiles.

Integration of Scottish Masonry
The introduction of Scottish traditions to Freemasonry in France in the 18th century enriched its structure, leading to a variety of degrees beyond the initial blue masonry, which became a point of contention between various factions within the Masonic bodies.

Cardinal Del Flurry's Suppression
In 1737, Cardinal Del Flurry attempted to suppress Freemasonry in France due to its growing political implications, as French lodges became breeding grounds for revolutionary ideas and advocacy against established authorities.

Rise of Political Freemasonry
The role of Freemasonry evolved from a fraternal organization to a powerful political entity, particularly during the French Revolution, where its members played crucial roles in shaping the new government.

The impact of the 1789 Revolution
The French Revolution of 1789 was significantly influenced by Masonic ideologies, with many of its leaders being initiated Freemasons, indicating the pivotal role of these lodges in orchestrating political change.

Conflict and Amalgamation of Masonic Bodies
Inter-Masonic conflicts persisted until the amalgamation of various Masonic bodies into the Grand Orient of France, notably including the influence of the Scottish Rite, which raised concerns and discussions around its political ambitions.

Decrees of Secularism in Masonic Ideology
The Grand Orient of France moved away from religious affiliations in 1877, emphasizing secularism, which enhanced its political stance and broadened its membership base, leading to its perception as a political rather than spiritual organization.

Freemasonry's National Influence in Politics
Freemasonry played a substantial role in the establishment of the French Republic after the fall of the Second Empire, indicating its deep entrenchment in national politics and governance through the members it elevated to power.

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