Team Profiles: Set G Episode 1 | Hydreigon Ho-Oh

14 days ago

This is gonna be my first team profile for VGC Set G and it's about Hydreigon Ho-Oh.

Ho-Oh is a midrange restricted with the powerful ability, Regenerator, which heals it for 33% when it switches out. With a powerful Fire/Flying typing, it has the ability to tank a lot of attacks and switch into strong switch options. Paired with Hydreigon, it can carry the move Earthquake, giving it a powerful spread move option.

Midrange is very powerful in Set G as many players opt for heavy carry-style teams that focus on easily expoitable gimmicks. Pairing a strong midrange Pokemon with protection/redirection and stat dropping techs makes for a strong team to play on the Battle Stadium ladder.

Thank you for listening and I hope you continue to support my work.

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