Noah's Red Haired, Blue Eyed Descendants

10 days ago

Video Chapters

0:07 - Noah’s Vineyard + Light Skinned, Red Haired, Blue Eyed Humans from the World’s Oldest Vineyard

2:28 - Adam’s name is etymologically related to terms denoting a person with Light-Rosy Skin and Red Hair

3:20 - Esau and King David had Red Hair

5:32 - King David had Bright Eyes, likely Blue in Colour

6:20 - King Solomon’s Shulammite Wife had Light Skin, Blue Eyes and Red Hair

10:05 - Christ had Red Hair

15:22 - Earliest depiction of Christ’s Apostles portrays them with Red Hair

16:03 - Christ likely had Blue Eyes

17:30 - Blue Eyed Chalcolithic Levantines dwelling in Galilee

19:28 - Blue Eyed people share a common ancestor who dwelled in the exact region Noah’s Ark landed

20:23 - Red Haired, Blue Eyed Egyptian Mummies/Statues

21:20 - Red Haired, Blue Eyed Israelites depicted in Ancient Synagogue Mosaics

21:50 - Jewish Midrash claims that Red and Blonde Hair were common among Levitic Israelites

22:32 - Oldest Surviving Church on Earth is in Syria and depicts a Light Skinned, Red Haired Christian Woman

23:26 - Red Haired, Blue Eyed Phoenicians (Canaanites/Israelites)

27:25 - Light Skinned, Red Haired, Blue/Green Eyed Levantine Semites in Ancient Egyptian Art

32:58 - The Islamic “Prophet” Muhammad had Red Hair + Light Skinned, Red Haired Moors

36:29 - Rh Negative Blood + its anecdotal correlation to Red Hair and Left Handedness

37:06 - Muhammads Descent from Ishmael, son of Abraham, descendant of Shem

37:39 - Noah landing South of the Caucasus + the Caucasian Race

40:00 - Coinage of the Noahite Nations

44:27 - Outro

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