Never Forget Charlie Mullins!

5 hours ago

Charlie Mullins not the brightest tool in a Plumber's Toolbox.... a fool who was given ample airtime to display his insane ignorance and sheep-like qualities at a time where Communism and Genocide was unfolding, but the media will use him as a sacrificial lamb, an expendable vessel. I wonder how many gullible people took the jab because of him, I'm surprised he still has a company if he illegally coerced his staff to get a genetic bioweapon. Charlie Mullins may well find out that coercion of any experimental medical treatment (it was indeed a genetic bioweapon, not an experiment) is classed as Domestic Terrorism. Wealth doesn't always come with intelligence and wisdom. He'll be very lucky to escape prosecution, and if he has been paid then he may be facing much worse as an enemy combatant.

Ironic that the mockingbird media chose a plastic plumber to give medical advice whilst shadow banning highly qualified experts that tried to speak the truth.

Oh, and Charlie.... the care home victims were murdered with Midazolam and Morphine, we knew this in the summer of 2020, but we too were shadow-banned because the media gave idiots like you a platform to spew garbage from.

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