getting excited whenever house phone rings cos i can pretend it's still the nineties

10 hours ago

i live in squaller
do yawl remember that sound
ag yells at house phone
flip phone vs. house phone
such a memento moment right there
i need to watch that movie again, so good
i can give you my head to block out the sun, that's all i can do
thought i'd include you in one of my mornings
here's that green goo that creates smoothie mouth *context
most people prefer a cellphone that gives em cancer
i never take my laptop anywhere, i shoulda just gotten a regular ass PC
most of society has been spiritually bankrupted by the internet
shortage of women that you don't wanna punch in the face
women are being used by big pharma, surprise surprise
never trust somebody that shames you for trusting yer instincts
i had to forgive my dad cos ya know he's my dad
should i just be a botanist
you're a piece a shit for not trying
the west vilifies whatever is mind-altering *even tho everything is
tylenol is so bad for you
they even tell you how bad acetaminophen s for yer liver
kratom is 100% pure, no synthetic version of it
anything natural will have less side effects OBVIOUSLY
why is getting high such a threat
how is spiritual elevation wrong
EVERYTHING has the propensity for dependency
i know people that take ibuprofen every single day
i will continue to argue w/ the clergy til i die over stuff i know more about than they do, i promise it ain't pride

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