The Lying, Thieving, Murderous US Government Thugs

16 days ago

Imagine going to lunch with your family when suddenly the county police pull you over and arrest you with a bogus arrest warrant that demands a $20,000 "cash only" bond.

You are carted off to jail with an FBI agent to get fingerprints and locked in the drunk tank for three days.
You are not fed for three days.
You are not allowed a phone call nor allowed to call an attorney.

👉Your panicked family tries to contact various jails to post bond, but the jailers refuse to acknowledge your location.

👉During the three days of secret detention, the IRS, ATF, FBI, and county police ransack your home and take everything of value.

👉The search warrant was an unconstitutional general search for anything and everything.

👉After three days, you are again arrested and charged by the federal government with exercising your Second Amendment rights.

👉Everyone you know is put under physical surveillance.

👉Your best friend is locked up for 60 days to block any help.

👉Your innocent codefendant is murdered by medical neglect.

👉Your nephew has a mental breakdown and never recovers.

👉Your brother is stressed and dies from a stroke.

👉In your court appearances, you are denied an attorney for the initial appearance hearing, arraignment, or for posting a bond.

👉You are eventually appointed an attorney who tells you 13 lies to extort a plea.

👉You fire him and another attorney is appointed and fired for the same reason.

👉During the process of two kangaroo trials—one for exercising your second amendment rights, and another for exercising your first amendment and free press rights—the government commits over 50 felonies to prosecute you for selling business books on the grounds they "had little or no value.”

All this is only the beginning of your awakening to the tyrannical "justice system."

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