The pro-noun that adjourned a congressional hearing! - March 10, 2025

5 hours ago

March 10, 2025 - BEWARE! The Marxist-Democrats take their pronouns very seriously! If you misuse one, then them's fightin words! The Democrat ranking member of the committee did the gentlemanly thing, and defended the honor of his trans-boyfriend by standing up to the mean and nasty bully Republican Chairman of the Committee, who had brutally, and without mercy, used the wrong pronoun. The trans-boyfriend giggled like a little girl after seeing his big strong man come to his rescue. He was very flattered so see him get so angry! And that really turned him on! The ranking members stormed out of the room with his gay aid in solidarity with the victim who suffered the attack on his pronoun. It was so touching, it almost brought a tear to my eye! Those Marxist-Democrats really know how to tun on the heartfelt drama and tug those heart strings to death!

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