Spectrum Tech Trade School-The Solution to the Autistic Community Crisis-Help Us Buy Our Farmland

9 hours ago

Did you know that 85% of autistic adults are unemployed? The autism rates are much higher than the media leads you to believe. That 1 in 36 number is from children born in 2012. When the statistics were gathered in 2020, those children were 8 years old. We know that 80% of autistic women are diagnosed after 18-years-old, so that 1 in 36 number was inaccurate when they gathered the data. It is 13 years later, and there have been predictions that the rates for children born this year -2025- could be as high as 1 in 2. We can't have a significant percentage of our workforce unemployed if we are to get ahead. Help us buy our farmland, we have a solution to help autistics, and their families build wealth and reach their full potential. Then we all win. Visit our website www.spectrumtechtradeschool.com for more information or to donate to our cause. Join the Movement! Be part of the solution. As a Community W.E. R.I.S.E. #thebestisyettocome #spectrumtechtradeschool #autism #autismacceptance #autismawareness

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