6 hours ago

Today, the 13th of March, marks 46 years since the New JEWEL Movement ousted the corrupt U.S-backed dictatorship of Prime Minister Eric Gairy through a bloodless coup in Grenada. It is an excellent time to bring back the revolutionary prime minister, Maurice Bishop's, address in New York about the danger Grenada's revolution posed to the United States.

The New JEWEL Movement—New Joint Endeavor for Welfare, Education and Liberation—swiftly established the People's Revolutionary Government, ushering in a new era of socialist ideals. Under Bishop's leadership, Grenada underwent a profound socioeconomic transformation marked by extensive reforms and initiatives to uplift the primarily poor population. By 1982, the following occurred: a literacy campaign, the construction of new schools, and the establishment of agricultural cooperatives that particularly benefitted unemployed youth in rural areas. Cuban aid bolstered these efforts, providing expertise in education, healthcare, and infrastructure development, notably constructing a modern international airport to replace the hazardous existing airstrip.

Unemployment plummeted from 49 per cent to 14 per cent within four years. Symbolising the shift in priorities, vibrant billboards promoting education adorned the island, signalling a departure from those that had advertised cigarettes and alcohol. Grenada's revolution sparked tangible social progress and economic development, leaving a lasting legacy of change and empowerment among its populace.

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