268: The SIG Controversy and its Consequences

9 hours ago

Beyond the bottom line, the latest statements by SIG Sauer regarding the P320 failed to reduce talk around the pistol, instead inviting more criticism. While there may be another story taking place, vocal characters on social media received the statement to suggest that the noteworthy firearms manufacturer was accusing its critics of being "anti-gun" or anathema when it comes to the Gun Culture.

Does this accusation stick? Is SIG resorting to an ad hominem to get out of a sticky situation? Or, could there be more at play here?

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This episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.com

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