EP123: Churches Five Years After Lockdown with Doug Stuart - Gracearchy with Jim Babka

3 hours ago

We reflect on the five-year mark of "two weeks to flatten the curve." Jim and Bill, along with guest Doug Stuart from the Libertarian Christian Institute, explore the significant challenges church leaders faced during the worldwide sickness, including the struggle to maintain unity amid divisive reopening strategies and social distancing measures. The discussion is inspired by a brand new book, "A House Divided," and the group discusses both 'the Dones' - individuals who have stepped away from traditional church settings while maintaining their faith - and why some Christians seemed afraid of Death.

HouseDividedBook.com https://housedividedbook.com/
pre-release March 15, 2025

Doug Stuart is the Content Director at Libertarian Christian Institute

Ekklesia - called out assembly or gathering of people. In ancient city-states, especially Athens, the popular assembly of citizens who would handle public matters and serve as a jury for trials.

0:00 Theme
0:24 March 15 2020
2:40 A House Divided
4:00 A DONE's view of "church"
7:54 The virus that divided churches
12:15 Why were Christians afraid of death?
17:13 Clean or unclean is a religious distinction
18:52 Reputational hazard for bigger churches
22:09 Preparing for the trial

Bill Protzmann is your moderator.

This episode is sponsored by Zero Aggression Project. https://zeroaggressionproject.org/

Thank you to Randy Garbin for our amazing episode thumbnails: http://randygarbin.com/

We are grateful to Sergio at https://www.youtube.com/@KeysofMoonMusic for our intro theme.
you can purchase his music on BandCamp:
► If you have any questions please feel free to write to Sergio at: serjo.de.lua.music@gmail.com

Be grace-full to each other.

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