GTA: Vice City - The Definitive Edition | 07 Treacherous Swine

5 hours ago

Tommy receives a call from Colonel Juan Cortez, who apologizes for the ambushed drug deal and assures him that his people are investigating the matter. Cortez invites Tommy to meet him in private aboard his yacht.
When Tommy arrives, Cortez reveals that the leak came from Gonzalez, a man he once trusted but whose incompetence has now become a liability. As a gesture of goodwill, Cortez orders Tommy to eliminate Gonzalez, handing him a chainsaw for the job.

Tommy tracks Gonzalez to his penthouse in Vice Point, where he finds him conversing with one of Ricardo Diaz’s men. The moment Tommy approaches, Gonzalez panics and tries to flee while his bodyguards attack. Despite his desperate attempts to escape and bribe his way out, Gonzalez meets a gruesome end. However, the murder attracts police attention, forcing Tommy to shake off his pursuers before returning to business.

This video features a playthrough of "Treacherous Swine" mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition, presented in 1440p and 60 FPS with the visually stunning Classic Lighting enabled. Immerse yourself into this classic masterpiece, now beautifully remastered and polished with enhanced visuals and refined mechanics.

This video is part of an extensive series of playthroughs and walkthroughs of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition, covering all main missions and side missions. Experience the game’s stunning remastered graphics, the remarkable Classic Lighting, and top-tier gameplay in every episode.

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