GTA: Vice City - The Definitive Edition | 04 Jury Fury

7 hours ago

Ken Rosenberg is in full panic mode. The Forelli family is getting impatient, and their ‘psychos from up north’ are on their way. But for now, there's another problem: Giorgio Forelli, a cousin of the mob, is facing five years for fraud. The Forellis don’t want a trial; they want the jury to „rethink“ their decision.

The first target is easy—Tommy tracks down a juror’s car, a fancy Sentinel parked outside a high-rise in Vice Point. With a few well-placed swings, he turns the once-sleek vehicle into a wreck. The juror arrives just in time to see his prized possession getting totaled. Realizing he’s next if he doesn’t take the hint, he runs off in terror.

The second juror is more stubborn. Tommy finds him chatting up a woman outside a café in Ocean Beach. The guy tries to escape in his car, but in a stroke of bad luck, crashes straight into a truck. That’s all the invitation Tommy needs—he smashes up the vehicle while delivering a chilling message.

With the jurors properly "persuaded," Tommy has done his part to keep Forelli’s cousin out of prison. But just when he might feel a moment of relief, his phone rings.

It’s Sonny Forelli.

"Hey Tommy, it’s Sonny. How’s the sun tan?"
Tommy isn’t in the mood for small talk. He still doesn’t have Sonny’s money. And Sonny knows it.
"I am worrying, Tommy, that’s my style, because I seem to have this problem in my life with unreliable people."
Sonny’s words aren’t just a warning—they’re a threat. If Tommy doesn’t come up with the missing cash soon, things are going to get ugly.

This video features a playthrough of "Jury Fury" mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition, presented in 1440p and 60 FPS with the visually stunning Classic Lighting enabled. Immerse yourself into this classic masterpiece, now beautifully remastered and polished with enhanced visuals and refined mechanics.

This video is part of an extensive series of playthroughs and walkthroughs of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition, covering all main missions and side missions. Experience the game’s stunning remastered graphics, the remarkable Classic Lighting, and top-tier gameplay in every episode.

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