Introducing Solfeggio Frequencies Tuner

9 hours ago

We are pleased to present you with a new FREE resource - the Solfeggio Frequencies Tuner.

For over 85 years musicians from all over the world have been compelled to tune their instruments around the A4 note = 440 Hz.

From this day forward, every musician or music producer who are interested in tuning their instrument to any of the Solfeggio frequencies or 432 Hz can easily do so by following the scale chart available on

All they would need to do is click on the drop down to change from 440 Hz to their desired frequency and the tuning chart will reveal the precise frequency each note should be tuned to.

If you know someone who would find this interesting or useful please share it with them!

#solfeggiofrequencies #solfeggiofrequency #432hz #174hz #285hz #396hz #417hz #528hz #639hz #741hz #852hz #963hz

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