Charlene Davis & Dafna Yachin - Relative Control - The Humor & Heartbreak Of The Sandwich Generation

8 hours ago

On April 11, 2025, Gravitas Ventures ( ) will be releasing the movie Relative Control ( ), a family drama that follows the life a middle-age corporate attorney (played by Teri Polo of the Meet the Parents) whose life literally spirals out of control as she juggles the demands of her career, her family, and most importantly the care of her aging parents, which includes a very headstrong and accident-prone father.

Relative Control is a wonderful film that gets into a range of themes, including the complex world of unpaid caregiving, the principal of the “sandwich generation” (a term for adults who care for both their aging parents and their children, as well as provide financial support for them and embark on a career), as well as themes of intergenerationality, dementia care, and end-of-life/palliative care, among others.

On this episode of Progress, Potential and Possibilities, we have the honor of being joined by both the Writer, Charlene Davis, and Director, Dafna Yachin, of Relative Control to talk about all these topics.

#RelativeControl #CharleneDavis #DafnaYachin #TeriPolo #PatrickMcDade #GravitasVentures #UnpaidCaregiving #SandwichGeneration #Aging #Intergenerationality #DementiaCare #EndOfLifeCare #PalliativeCare #AARP #MelindaGates #ProgressPotentialAndPossibilities #IraPastor #Podcast

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