Mid Day Glory Break - With Dr Brett & Marianne Watson 3.12.25

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Join US MID DAY 3.12.25 at 1 pm Est. Time - "LIVE IN STUDIO" With Dr. Brett & Marianne Watson

On ALL Platforms Reaching All of America and Internationally!

WATCH LIVE ON YOUTUBE: www.Youtube.com/drbrettwatson

@Voice of Destiny With Dr Brett & Marianne Watson
@Brett Watson Ministries @Brett Watson @Glory In America

Watch Live on Our Websites: www.BrettWatson.tv www.Voiceofdestinytv.com
WATCH LIVE ON OUR DIRECT APP LINK: https://brettwatsonministriesinc.subspla.sh/yh2wtnv

We are 22 Days Away for Saint Louis Missouri - TWO DAY GLORY ENCOUNTER - April 4 & 5, 2025! REGISTER TODAY AT: www.GloryinAmerica.com or Scan the QR CODE on the Poster Advertisement.

Please join with us and agree in prayer, that hearts will be changed in these Life Changing Meetings!

We Love You,
Dr. Brett & Marianne Watson

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