1800s Meatloaf Recipe - Cannelon Of Beef And Macaroni Casserole - Old Cookbook Show

11 hours ago

1800s Meatloaf Recipe - Cannelon Of Beef And Macaroni Casserole - Old Cookbook Show

Drop the macaroni into boiling salted water and cook until tender.
To three cupfuls of finely chopped round of beef, add two teaspoonfuls of salt, one-half teaspoonful of pepper, a tablespoonful of onion juice, two eggs (beaten), one-half cupful of water or stock. Mold into a loaf to fit the center of the casserole. Put a bed of macaroni in the casserole, place the loaf on the macaroni and garnish with a border of macaroni. Pour over it a cupful of stock, cover, bake for forty-five minutes. Then remove the cover and pour over the loaf one pint of tomato sauce. Serve from the casserole. - Good Housekeeping Mag.

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