Eine WHO-Whistle-blowerin spricht

7 hours ago

Eine WHO-Whistle-blowerin spricht über die wahre Agenda:
⭕️SIE wollen alles Denken, alle Gefühle, alle Wahrnehmung abschaffen.
⭕️Die PCR-Tests hinten im Nasen-Rachenraum sollen Verunreinigungen platzieren und das Gehirn dahinter oder die Zirbeldrüse schädigen!
⭕️Es wird Auswirkungen auf das Altern und die Lebensdauer haben - das ist Teil IHRER Agenda!
⭕️Auch die Laser-Fieberthermometer, die man direkt zwischen den Augen platziert, dienen der Agenda!
⭕️SIE wollen die Bevölkerung reduzieren, die Kontrolle über die Hirnfunktionen der Überlebenden haben, indem SIE sie gefügig/ gehorsam machen.
⭕️SIE implantieren Nanotechnologie unter die Haut.
⭕️SIE beabsichtigen eine digitale ID als Pass mit Hilfe der Impfungen.
⭕️Der Gesundheitsexperte Bill Gates ist eigentlich ein Technologieexperte.
Du kannst mit unserer fortgeschrittenen Technologie mittlerweile Nanotechnologie und DNA über das Funknetzwerk übertragen.
⭕️Es geht um die Kontrolle des Menschen durch Technologie.


“All of you who are into drugs, you sons of bitches, I will really kill you,” Duterte told a huge crowd in a 2016 campaign stop in Manila. “I have no patience, I have no middle ground. Either you kill me or I will kill you idiots.”

The United States, the European Union and other Western governments raised alarms over the anti-drugs campaign, prompting Duterte in 2016 to tell then-President Barack Obama “you can go to hell” as he threatened to “break up with America.”

“What was my sin?” Duterte asked in Hong Kong. “I did everything in my time so Filipinos can have a little peace and tranquility.”

The death toll in the crackdown was alarmingly high for years, gaining Duterte nicknames like “the Punisher” and “Duterte Harry,” after the Western movie police character with little regard for the law.

Human rights activists said people were afraid to testify against Duterte in court.

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Philippine ex-President Rodrigo Duterte, who left a savage legacy over his deadly anti-drugs crackdown, was arrested on a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity for the thousands killed in a war he waged against drugs in a political career spanning decades. His detention capped an international investigation into killings, which unfolded for more than a dozen years.”

The ICC.

President Trump signed an Executive Order against the ICC.

“Biden” revoked that Executive Order.

It’s very easy to see who the Global Alliance was.

Russia were also against the ICC. 🤭

It’s also easy to see the Special Operation… Especially those who’ve read and paid attention to everything in the chronological order from 2017 to present day. 🔥

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👉🏻 45———47 🫡🐂🇺🇸

AP News:

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