The Meritocracy According to Chris Cuomo

8 hours ago

Tucker Carlson: We have 350 million people here. What unites them?

Chris Cuomo: The opportunity to live a life that you create for yourself, to succeed or fail based on your own merits.

Tucker Carlson: Meritocracy.

Where were you when every institution decided to hire based on sex and race, which is the opposite of the standard you’re describing? Rising or falling based on your own merits. And that’s the one thing that has been destroyed.

Chris Cuomo: Was it destroyed when women were given the right to vote or when minorities were given the right to vote?

Tucker Carlson: Of course not.

Chris Cuomo: Because there had been a system that was limiting. Minorities weren’t given opportunities just because they were minorities. That was something America wanted to correct because it’s the opposite of equality.

Tucker Carlson: Being American means participating in a system that judges you based on what you do and who you are. Every institution in American life, to this day, has abandoned that and moved aggressively in the other direction.

The ladders of success, the merit badges we require to enter these institutions—completely determined by race and sex. That is the opposite of what you said.

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