The Governor’s Ball: “Nothing is random. EVERYTHING has meaning”

6 hours ago

“Nothing is random. EVERYTHING has meaning”

Think of the relationship between Trump and many of the Governors (think Maine’s Janet Mills)

Now, do you think it’s a coincidence that at the Governor’s Ball, Trump sent in the ARMY Chorus to sing “Do You Hear The People Sing from Les Miserables?”

The context:

The song, now considered a protest anthem, is about a social revolution in which French proletarians stand against the ruling class — in this case, an oppressive monarchy.

The lyrics include, "Do you hear the people sing? / Singing the song of angry men?/ It is the music of the people / Who will not be slaves again!"

Think of the symbolism here. Think of the message, especially juxtaposed with the Military Operation we all know is ongoing.

Wow. What a moment.

And of course, we took the time to use some of our controlled legacy Mockingbird Media minions to echo the message…



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