War in Ukraine, Analytics. Day 1104: Which Guarantees is Zelensky Demanding? Arestovych, Feldman

6 hours ago

In today's war diary, Nikolai Feldman and Alexey Arestovich discussed the main news on the 1104th day of war:

➤ 00:00 The worst-case scenario is coming true for Ukraine: President Zelensky disrupted the signing of an agreement on rare earth minerals. Support for Ukraine from Britain and the EU: hugs, missiles from the Shahedeen on credit terms, to be supplied until 2030.
➤ 06:15 Preparations for the EU leaders' summit on March 6 for the main sponsors of war in Ukraine.
➤ 09:30 Will Ukraine be able to fight for another year without US help?
➤ 11:05 EU leaders are solving their problems with the US at the expense of Ukraine.
➤ 12:55 Who set a trap for whom in the US Oval Office?
➤ 13:47 Hidden meanings from Zelensky's interview about US security guarantees.
➤ 19:26 The US will soon publish investigation results about the tuse of American aid in Ukraine.
➤ 20:45 Trump demands a public apology from Zelensky to conclude an agreement on foreign investment in Ukraine.
➤ 23:18 The birth of a new world in agony and Ukrainians' bet on the old world.
➤ 27:50 EU is considering the possibility of protecting Ukrainian skies, and Britain will send troops... after the peace accords are signed.
➤ 30:12 Possible further developments for Ukraine: escalation, pacification or pause?
➤ 36:12 Trump will not abandon the tactics of a double ultimatum. Sanctions may be imposed on the team of the Ukrainian president.
➤ 37:40 What could happen after the introduction of American sanctions against the Ukrainian leadership?
➤ 39:30 Why do Ukrainians sincerely believe that Trump sold out to Putin?
➤ 42:05 Ukrainian opposition is forced to support Zelensky to its own detriment. The unpleasant story of half of the deceived Ukrainians is in rationalization of support for Zelensky.
➤ 47:40 Is it problematic to give personal guarantees to the president of Ukraine as the only obstacle to peace?
➤ 50:22 Public opinion against Trump in Ukraine will worsen. What will the Americans come up with?
➤ 51:45 How will the US budget be affected by the cessation of arms and intelligence supplies to Ukraine?
➤ 53:50 Consequences of political measures against Zelensky..
➤ 58:35 Did Zelensky's demarche created a new rerason for existence of US Democrats?
➤ 59:53 Elon Musk supports the opinion of one of the senators about the US withdrawal from the UN and NATO.

Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych
Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWy2g76QZf7QLEwx4cB46g

Nikolay Feldman - Ukranian journalist, social researcher, blogger.

💳 Fundraiser is under Alexey's Original Stream in Russian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joyz3v3Yt30

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