A Minecraft Movie | New "TNT" Trailer

8 hours ago

In A Minecraft Movie's newest trailer, Black's Steve is seen slapping some Elytra Wings on Momoa's Garrett and Sebastian Eugene Hansen's Henry. These bug wings are among the rarest items in the Minecraft game, which makes their moment in the trailer all the more exciting for long-time players. To make this Minecraft Easter egg even better, the characters' first experience with the Elytra Wings is precisely how things would typically go with players. Garrett comically pushes Henry off the cliff, and it seems for a long moment that the rare Elytra's have entirely failed to work.

In the Minecraft game, a player wearing Elytra Wings can't simply jump from a cliff and fly to safety. However, attempting to do just this is a pretty common (and disastrous) experience among those who manage to secure the rare item. The wings must be activated to open up and work, and this requires jumping while in mid-fall. It's evident in A Minecraft Movie's trailer that Henry didn't get this tutorial before he was pushed from the cliff, leading Momoa's character to ask Minecraft Steve if the Elytra Wings actually work (to which Black's character hesitantly answers that they do).

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